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Roy Pogorzelski

About Me

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Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
I am an award winning and community minded social activist and entrepreneur. I own 3 businesses, lecture in University, PHD candidate and consultant/facilitator. I have lived, worked and studied in Belgium and Austria and facilitated/spoke in Switzerland, Sweden, Kenya and Mexico. My writings are my own reflection on life, love and liberty.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Quip from a Fatigued Humanitarian?

My thoughts are tired as I hear the news,
Of some ignorant bigot who has some views,
Everyone’s fault, but their own
As they judge, bicker and groan.

A new media has offered them a time slot
To regurgitate irrational thought
To project what they consider perfect conservative views
Sharing articles from Rebel News.

I sit here in complete shock
When I hear, that a new group of neo nazi’s have crawled out from under their rock
Bad Politicians, Social Media and wealthy colonialists have given this a voice
Yet many remain idle! Another overdose! it was their choice!

A Community should be free of racism and hate
But backward ideologies and friends with an opinion we tolerate
Our ancestors fought and died to liberate
Instead as their memory fades – we suffocate.

Attempting to find one more breathe in a world that is easy to forget
That we once had schools that tried to eliminate the threat
A threat of a vibrant culture and peaceful nations
Instead we create divisive relations.

We are told to remember what our great nation did overseas
But we forget the internment camps made specially for the Japanese
We are told to remember how lucky we are
To be born in a country guided by the North Star.

Then why do we still hang onto this hate
Rather tell ourselves that this was all manifest fate
Why do we still encourage policies that divide?
Why do we still elect politicians that still think LGBTQ is a chemical formula for Formaldehyde.

We are told to remember we are a country built on immigrants
But get provoked at the thought of refugee children being protected by their parents
We struggle to allow people to find their space
And stupidly get angry when we can’t see a Muslim woman’s face.

I am tired of listening to your racist rants
I am tired of your call to arms and xenophobic chants
I am not interested in your hateful learned views
I am only interested in positive, kind, optimistic people that have tried to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.

Roy Pogorzelski

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