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Thank you for taking an interest in reading my Blog. I write about travel, beer, identity, experiences, etc. Anything that comes to mind. I also have guest appearances from friends to mix it up. Overall, I just enjoy writing.


Roy Pogorzelski

About Me

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Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
I am an award winning and community minded social activist and entrepreneur. I own 3 businesses, lecture in University, PHD candidate and consultant/facilitator. I have lived, worked and studied in Belgium and Austria and facilitated/spoke in Switzerland, Sweden, Kenya and Mexico. My writings are my own reflection on life, love and liberty.

Monday 7 May 2012

Leuven - Weekend (Interesting)

As I sit here in our flat that does not quite feel like "ours" quite yet, I am writing about my first few days back in the memorable country of Belgium.  Arriving Friday morning, tired after the flight and waiting for my bags for over an hour, I arrived at our flat.

Hanne was not kidding, it is a very tiny space (definetly not meant for Canadians), with my life literally tucked into a large backpack, a small suit case and a small backpack, I realize all this travelling and living other places has not allowed me to accumulate anything.  I am a 30 year old who literally owns nothing - well atleast I got an E-reader, IPOD and a Tablet, so catching up technologically.

I quickly unpack and magically we find space for all my stuff, which again is pretty much nothing, but it still fits.  Although small, the apartment is cozy, it has all I need, a bathroom, and a nice kitchen (food mmmm), but the laundry needs to be done at a laundry mat.

The first day after a quick hour power nap, I realize that I should fight the urge to go into full REM sleep, a a way of fighting of jetleg, so I pop up, shake off the grog and get ready.  Last time I was in Leuven, I was a student with friends, I new this city, the places, the streets, the smells, but after a 3 year abscence, this place feels like a friend I have not seen in a longtime and we must get to know eachother again.

This is such a beautiful city, lots of European charm, very small, but with lots to do, but this time I am not here to study, but rather to start a new chapter in my life - the fun world of job searching.  Did I mention that my Dutch sucks, so that is kind of a priority, but what am I going to do, the question I have no answer too.  People who have played it safe their whole life and entered a career and kept it for a long time, might at some opoint crave a new beginning, a kind of open life where the unknown can be seen as an opportunity.

However, the unknown is as scary as the thought of hell to a devout Christian.  What will I do?  Will my experience transfer over? Will I get a job that makes me happy?  Are there good jobs out there for me?  These, plus many questions ring in my head everyday, on the other side, I have moved overseas to live in a great country, great city with a lot of charm and of course to be with Hanne.

However, I get a reality check on Saturday, as I am confronted with an uncomfortable situation of a former team mate on the football team who comes to offer me a job, as we are drinking at the Irish Pub.  The job is moving plants, now I am not going to go into too much detail, it is more of a had to be there scenario, to make things short - he acts arrogant about being my boss at a minimum wage plant moving job (I am thinking I would never work for this guy), then he starts calling me fat (in fact - at one point, as I was going to the bathroom - he grabs his money and in a arrogant manner says here grab us some beers - like I am some kind of poor guy - I refuse naturally, but he repsonds that I need the excercise, so I should get it).

I am thinking, who is this a%$#@$, a guy I use to play football with, wow how things change, the final straw comes when he looks at my cell phone cover, which was hand made by my Metis friend and has the logo (Metis infinity sign) of our culture beaded on a leather case with my initials.  This case means a lot to me.  He looks at it and after about 40 minutes of taking his abuse (because according to others - that is just who he is) - mind you their was obviously other stuff he said that would be brought into question, but he says, what is that gay symbol - have you gone gay now.  That was it, I stood up to leave, as I am asked why I am leaving, it comes out like water breaking through a leak in the titanic...........#$%^&***^%^**(&^^  (I will not repeat because I would have to repent, but I let him know that his behaviour was not acceptable).

However, my friend Nizer gets a hold of me and saves the evening by listening, supporting and understanding the situation.  We share some good beers at some old hangouts Blauwe Kater, Cafe Belgica, Alegria and Cafe Orient.  We also meet Marco and "Mini" (first time I met him), but it makes me realize one A#%$^%$^$% should not ruin my first weekend here, I still have some good friends around.

The job search is just getting underway.............

Till next time soemthing crazy happens......


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